I have been a computer professional since the early 1970s. In 1963, at a high school majoring in computer operation and programming, I got my hands on my 1st computer, the famous ZUSE Z22R, developed by the legendary German Konrad Zuse.

I obtained master degree in theoretical physics at Charles University in Prague and then worked there five years at the Department of numerical mathematics, numerically solving the ill-posed problem of the integral equations of the 1st kind in astrophysics. At the same time, I worked part time as a systems operator on IBM 370.

In 1978, I definitively switched back to IT, working most of my life with IBM mainframes and their communist EC clones, and finally with IBM AS/400 aka iSeries, in system and application support.

In 2000, I co-founded Common Czech Republic and was its 1st president until 2005. In 2003, I took part at residency in IBM ITSO in Rochester, MN, USA, co-authoring IBM Redbook Windows-based Single Signon and the EIM Framework on the IBM eServer iSeries Server.
